Monday, September 14, 2009

DT1.1 Picture

What is your favourite genre of photography?

My favourite genre of photography is probably Landscape photography, I also enjoy macro and others, but my best stuff is landscape.

What do you hope to learn in school this year?
I hope learn about film techniques, Film processing/Dark room techniques, and the business aspects of being a photographer.

What is your best photography-related memory?
Probably my first trip to Mexico with my old Nikon D50 about 2.5 years ago. I was just starting to get serious about photography and shot better photos from that trip than I had before.


  1. I can't wait to see some of your landscape work! I love your story about your trip! I think all of us have a story just like that except the location is different!

  2. I love your picture!! The way the sun shines through just above the building is beautiful.
    I am very excited to see more of your landscaping work, you seam like that is where your true passion lies. Even though you tend to keep to yourself through the day, I appreciate the little tips you send me when I have no idea what i'm doing =D
